Building Defect Assessment and Diagnostics Services

Investigating and reporting on damage within your building to identify cause and extent and provide clients with an easy to understand comprehensive report of the issue and what actions are required to rectify any damage.  Our team of Chartered Building Surveyors have the qualifications and experience to expertly assess a building and provide forensic diagnostics on how to rectify any damage, including obtaining building consents, and then CCCs, as required.

Safeguarding the value of your asset.

Building defect diagnosis and remediation is one of the core skillsets of our team of Chartered Building Surveyors.  Remediation is the process of finding, reporting and overseeing the repair of a damaged building.

A building defect can arise if a building element, component, material or finish fails to meet its performance requirements. These performance requirements vary from element to element and so building defects can vary in urgency and severity.

Cracking in walls or floors, water ingress or dampness, and structural movement are all symptoms of building defects that most people recognise and are familiar with.

Building is not an exact science and there is no such thing as a perfect building.  Throughout the building process and especially near the end of a project, there are dozens of different tradesmen carrying out numerous different jobs that all overlap each other, and sometimes this can lead to defects occurring.  These may be noticeable immediately, but many are not and by the time the damage becomes visible there is a bigger problem hiding from untrained eyes. 

In order to repair damage to a building, whether it is due to weathertightness failure or some other factor, it is essential to fully understand the root cause of the damage before designing remedial solutions and effecting repairs. This is why we undertake detailed investigations of buildings, using forensic techniques, to diagnose building defects. Repairing a building without certainty of the cause of the damage may result in the repairs not being effective, or undertaking work that is not necessary. Both are a waste of time and money.

Our team have a strong understanding of the building code and requirements.